Tips & News

Vitamin D - Dynamic Defender of Your Immune System

It’s fair to say that since nearly every bodily cell and tissue has vitamin D receptors, they all require vitamin D to function properly. Regarding the immune system—a primary focus for all of us these days—vitamin D is very much a “front-line defence” nutrient.

A portion of the conclusion from one piece of vitamin D/immune system research states: “Vitamin D has important functions beyond those of calcium and bone homeostasis which include modulation of the innate and adaptive immune responses.

Commenting on other vitamin D/immune system research, Dr Richard Mellanby writes: “Low vitamin D status has long been implicated as a significant risk factor for the development of several autoimmune diseases.

Lastly, highly regarded vitamin D expert, Dr. Richard F Holick, states that vitamin D “is capable of regulating a wide variety of genes that have important functions in regulating cell growth, modulating immune function and cardiovascular health.

By now, it should be clear that vitamin D is essential for basically all aspects of health, including proper immune system function. There is a wide range of how much vitamin D one needs to take on a daily basis to maintain optimal levels—a vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy blood test is the only way to know for sure—but the general consensus is 2000 IU - 4000 IU daily.

Each soft gel capsule of Hammer EnDuro D supplies 2000 IU of vitamin D3, generally considered more effective due to its superior absorption and close resemblance to the form produced naturally by our bodies. EnDuro D also supplies an efficacious dose of vitamin K2.

In order to get the full value of the plentiful benefits from vitamin D, you need sufficient amounts of magnesium. This is because magnesium activates the enzymes involved in vitamin D metabolism. In one study, researchers stated that it is “essential to ensure that the recommended amount of magnesium is consumed to obtain the optimal benefits of vitamin D.”
Another study indicates that magnesium also optimises vitamin D “status” in the body— increasing it in people with deficient levels and lowering it in people with too-high levels. This, researchers believe, is vitally important because people synthesise vitamin D differently.
With each capsule containing 100 mg of magnesium from five highly bioavailable forms, Essential Mg is the easy way to provide your body with this “necessary for vitamin D” mineral.

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