Race Day Boost-You're 4 days away from a personal best!
We could easily call this product "Personal Best in a Bottle" because for the 20+ years we've been selling Race Day Boost, that's exactly what athletes have said they've experienced after using it. It gives athletes a potent, tangible boost in race performance that augments the hard work they've put into their training.
How Race Day Boost works:
The key to Race Day Boost's effectiveness is sodium phosphate, a compound with a wealth of research that supports its positive benefits for athletic performance. Sodium phosphate enhances the functioning of all three of the body's ATP-producing energy systems - the ATP-CP system, the lactic acid system, and the oxygen/ aerobic system - making it a superb ergogenic aid.
With Race Day Boost, you're boosting the performance of your body's short-, medium-, and long-term energy production systems. No other product can do that.
How to use it:
Most of the studies of the main ingredient in Race Day Boost, sodium tribasic phosphate, showed remarkably positive, performance-enhancing results with a dose of 1 gram (1,000 mg) four times daily for four straight days. This equals 4 capsules of Race Day Boost per dose, and that's the dosage we recommend for most athletes.
Other Race Day Boost usage tips:
1) During the taper, take Race Day Boost after (not before) a workout. The four days before a race - when you'll be using Race Day Boost - is NOT the time for high-intensity or long-duration training.
2) Reduce dietary sodium leading up to race day. Over the four days of loading with Race Day Boost, you'll be consuming an additional 3,088 mg of sodium. To accommodate that additional sodium, we recommend lowering your dietary sodium/ salt intake.
3) Don't use RDB as a daily dietary supplement. It's not recommended to use Race Day Boost as a daily alkaline-enhancing supplement. Athletes should alter their diets to a high-pH food menu, plan longer recovery times, and only use RDB loading dose protocol prior to events.
The bottom line:
Whatever the duration of your event, a four-day loading dose of Race Day Boost before a key race can make a noticeable difference in your performance. This is a special product for special events. If you intend to meet or exceed your race day expectations, it's time to include Race Day Boost in your arsenal.