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Hammer Nutrition’s 4 Pillars of Health and Performance

Hammer Nutrition’s 4 Pillars of Health and Performance


The 4 Pillars, everything we’ve ever written and every single Hammer product we’ve ever sold is based on these four immutable truths. This will never change!

1) Avoid ALL Processed Foods – If it has a wrapper,is in a package or a can, it’s bad.
2) Sugar – Unless it’s whole fruit, it’s bad.
3) Eat Whole Foods – The way nature intended.
4) Supplement – Deficiency is guaranteed if you do not.


By definition, all processed foods contain one or more of these highly toxic, health damaging, performance sapping substances, so avoid them like the plague:

Refined Sugar – If it’s not a piece of whole fruit, it’s refined and toxic.
Refined Seed Oils – These may very well be public enemy #1.
High Sodium – Some is good, more is not better.

While sugar remains the primary enemy of your health, salt and processed seed oils are in a virtual tie with sugar at the top of the “bad for your health” podium.


This is a bit redundant, but due to its ubiquity in our food supply and extreme addictiveness, it needs to be re-stated and given its own pillar. We’ve never been shy about calling out sugar as the heinous, evil substance in our diet. 

Since day one, our position has always been to extremely limit the amount of refined sugar you consume – 50 grams is a great target. The adverse health and performance issues associated with sugar are far too many to list here.


The primary reason to eat a variety of whole foods is for the countless health benefiting phytochemicals that only fresh fruits and vegetables can provide, in addition to vitamins and minerals.

Additionally, locally grown (unsprayed or organic) foods are picked at their peak ripeness and have a shorter time from harvest to your consumption of them. That means higher amounts of that food’s beneficial content for your body. Most (if not all) local growers adopt organic growing practices, which produce clean pure, clean food free of pesticides, herbicides, or other chemicals.

SUPPLEMENTS – A Modern Necessity

The “balanced diet” is a complete myth! It simply is not possible to meet your body’s nutritional needs through diet alone. Unless you supplement wisely, you are living in a state of nutrient deficiency that is affecting your health and physical performance.

Bottom Line: To achieve your best performance with consistency and even more importantly, enjoy optimal health and longevity, daily supplementation is a necessity, not an option.

Consume an optimal diet as consistently as possible and augment that with sufficient amounts of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and complementary nutrients with a product like Premium Insurance Caps, offering 48 different vitamins, minerals and branch chain amino acids. 

This is the best way to more completely cover all your nutritional bases, allowing you to achieve higher quality workouts, better results in your events, and, most importantly, superior health.


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