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EndurOmega - so crucial for performance and health, we've made it a "daily essential"


EndurOmega, Hammer Nutrition's fish-derived omega-3 essential fatty acid supplement, is one of the most important products we've ever produced. We're convinced that EndurOmega is such a vitally important supplement for EVERY single person - athlete and non-athlete alike - EVERY single day, that we've given it top-level, "Daily Essentials" status. Daily supplementation with EndurOmega will allow you to obtain all of the extraordinary benefits that omega-3 fatty acids have to offer, helping you take a HUGE step in the right direction for maximising athletic performance and optimising overall health.

Essential fatty acids - crucially important for you

Omega-3s and omega-6s are essential fatty acids (EFA) that everyone needs for life itself. Not only are these fats a key component in the structure of numerous parts of your body, including your brain, eyes, ears, reproductive organs, and more, but they're an integral part of the membranes that surround and protect all of the cells in your body. If your body doesn't have an adequate supply of these essential fatty acids, almost every bodily function that you can think of ends up deteriorating. That's why it's no exaggeration at all to classify these fatty acids as "essential."

However, three issues exist when it comes to EFA:
1) Our bodies cannot make omega-3s or omega-6s; we have to obtain them from dietary sources.
2) Virtually everyone consumes far more omega-6 fatty acids than is necessary or health, yet comes up woefully short on omega-3 fatty acid intake. Research clearly shows that a dietary ratio of about 1:3 omega-3s to omega-6s is ideal. The average diet, however, is estimated to contain an unhealthy ratio of about 1:20 omega-3s to omega-6s.
3) Eating omega-3-rich fish such as wild-caught salmon, mackerel, and sardines two to three times a week is simply not possible for most of us.

EndurOmega's potent & wide-ranging benefits
Athletic performance - EndurOmega greatly enhances endurance because it increases the absorption rate of the fat-soluble nutrients Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and idebenone, the two key substrates in Race Caps Supreme that are intimately involved in energy production.
General health - EndurOmega's fish oil provides one of the absolute strongest defenses against cardiovascular disease.

It should be quite obvious that we all need more omega-3s in our diet. Fish is the ideal source of these essential fatty acids, but consuming sufficient amounts of high-quality fish on a regular basis is difficult and expensive. That's why adding EndurOmega to your daily supplement regimen is more than just a good idea, it's essential!


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