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Endurance C: The unique blend provides powerful, wide-ranging benefits

Endurance C: The unique blend provides powerful, wide-ranging benefits


When word got out that Hammer Nutrition was going to produce a vitamin C product, we received a few calls and emails that were something to the effect of, "What for? There are already tons of vitamin C products on the market everywhere!"
And we very well could have made another typical vitamin C product, put the Hammer name on it, and called it good. But that's not how we roll. Nope, Endurance C, like the other Hammer Nutrition supplements, is unique and provides a lot more benefits than "standard issue" vitamin C supplements can.

Endurance C contains two forms of vitamin C:
Calcium Ascorbate:
Known as "neutral C," "buffered C," or "non-acidic C," with a pH of 7.0-7.4. (Unlike "regular" Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, which is highly acidic and may cause gastric distress).
Ascorbyl Palmitate:
AP is a highly bioavailable, non-acidic, fat-soluble form of Vitamin C that can reach specific tissue areas that standard vitamin C cannot. Thus, ascorbyl palmitate can neutralize specific free radicals that water-soluble vitamin C can't. 

We've added the following nutrients, working synergistically to provide a tremendous range of benefits that you don't get in the typical vitamin C supplement:
Citrus Bioflavonoids
While not strictly vitamins, bioflavonoids have impressive vitamin-like properties, which is why this group of compounds is known as Vitamin P. Citrus fruits contain several bioflavonoids. These bioflavonoids work synergistically with vitamin C to support the immune system with antioxidant properties.
Hesperidin 95% HPLC:
HPLC is a major bioflavonoid found primarily in lemons, oranges, and tangerines. Hesperidin possesses potent antioxidant properties for supporting vital immune system function, but it can also help blood vessels function better, thus promoting optimal circulatory and cardiovascular health.
Quercetin is a highly versatile bioflavonoid obtained from various sources, including citrus fruits, apples, onions, and more. Quercetin has extraordinary antioxidant properties, making it a top nutrient for immune system health. Quercetin possesses properties that strongly reduce aches and soreness, as well as helping to alleviate discomforts associated with allergies.
Rose Hips (Rosa canina):
A natural source of Vitamin C, rose hips are a rich source of antioxidant carotenoids and polyphenols. One of these is tiliroside, which has antioxidant properties assisting non-stimulant fat loss.

The Recommended Daily Value (DV) of vitamin C is a meagre 90 mg. The current Reference Daily Intake (RDI) is an even lower 60 mg. However, these amounts are only probably enough to keep you from getting scurvy. You need much more than the minimal RDI/DV amounts for optimal health! The Optimum Daily Intake (ODI), a much more appropriate standard for everyone, especially athletes, ranges from 500 mg to 5,000 mg daily, with 2,000 mg/day being the most commonly suggested amount. Every 3-capsule dose of Endurance C contains a generous 950 mg of vitamin C.

We cannot synthesize vitamin C on our own; therefore, we must fulfil our needs from outside sources. And while we do get vitamin C in our diet, it's doubtful to get anywhere near the amounts of vitamin C we ideally need. So that's another reason why daily supplementation with Endurance C is so essential.

Speaking of benefits, here's just a teaser of some of the newer research on vitamin C that we'll be writing about in more detail soon, including further research that is most definitely applicable to you:

  • Low vitamin C values are linked with decreased physical performance and increased oxidative stress: reversal by vitamin C supplementation
  • Higher vitamin C levels are associated with lower mortality risk during a 16-year period
  • Vitamin C supplementation effectively increased work motivation and attentional focus and contributed to better performance on cognitive tasks requiring sustained attention.
Endurance C—it's clearly not your typical vitamin C supplement, not by a long shot! 

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