Tips & News

10 Tips to Beat the Heat by Steve Born


1) Train in the heat.

Heat acclimatisation and fitness reduce fluid and electrolyte losses by up to 50%.

2) Stay properly hydrated all day long.

Since approximately 60% of your body is comprised of water, it’s vitally important to maintain optimal hydration status all day long, especially if you’re going to be exercising in hot weather. Unfortunately, many people live in a state of perpetual dehydration, and that negatively affects their athletic performance and health. Starting now, gradually increase your fluid intake — primarily from pure, clean water — so that the total number of litres you’re drinking daily equals 0.5 to 0.6 your body weight in kilograms (e.g., a 68 kg athlete should consume 2.2-2.6 L of fluids daily, in addition to what is being consumed during exercise).

3) Drink an appropriate amount of fluids during exercise.

Don’t assume that you can drink unlimited amounts of water or fluid during exercise and that all of it will be absorbed, with the excess excreted in sweat or urine. You will instead bloat, overly dilute your blood, and perhaps even develop water intoxication (i.e. hyponatremia). Keep fluid intake during exercise between 590-740 ml per hour, plus or minus 90-120 ml, depending on your weight and the weather. If you feel you need more fluids than what you normally consume, experiment in training, keeping in mind that you will require additional electrolytes to match your increased fluid intake.

4) Increase your Endurolytes dose or use Endurolytes Extreme.

If you’re exercising in the weather that you’re not yet acclimated to, your electrolyte losses will be higher than normal, so you will either have to increase your intake of Endurolytes or use Endurolytes Extreme. The same applies if you have unusually high sweat rates, often due to high dietary sodium intake.

5) Avoid foods and fuels that contain short-chain carbohydrates.

Simple-sugar-based fuels require more fluids and electrolytes for digestive purposes. Stick with the complex carbohydrates (maltodextrin) in Hammer fuels. Also, remember that in hot weather your ability to process calories will most likely diminish; adjust your caloric intake accordingly.

6) Use Liquid Endurance before your hot-weather workouts and events.

Glycerol, the active ingredient in this one-of-a-kind product, safely and effectively prepares your body for heat exposure by maximising intercellular water levels, to be called upon as needed during activity. Liquid Endurance minimises the potential for dehydration,  significantly increases cooling efficiency and improves thermoregulation, all of which maximise exercise performance in hot weather.(Request availability for the UK )

7) Pace yourself accordingly.

If the weather is hot, and especially if you’re not acclimated, it can’t be “business as usual” when it comes to your pace. Until your body adjusts to the heat, slow down in deference to the weather.

8) Use caffeine with caution.

Used properly and sparingly, caffeine has impressive ergogenic benefits. However, it is believed to have diuretic properties, which may deplete fluid stores more rapidly. Caffeine is also a central nervous stimulant, which may increase your heart rate, making it work even harder in the heat.

9.) Get wet.

During the hottest weather conditions, sponge yourself off with cold water, while taking short periodic breaks from race pace.

10.) Know the symptoms of overhydration and dehydration.

Stop immediately if you feel lightheaded or queasy or get dry chills. No race or training is worth compromising your health.

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