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  • Full-spectrum formula
  • Rapidly assimilated
  • Versatile dosing

Meet your precise electrolyte needs with our original full-spectrum formula. A balanced blend of sodium chloride, potassium, calcium and magnesium ensure proper function of all body systems.

The low sodium chloride content complements a healthy, low-salt diet. Fine-tune your dosage as needed, capsule by capsule, without fear of overconsumption of salt.

Electrolyte replacement during exercise can vary as much as tenfold between two athletes. No other area of endurance nutrition or supplementation calls for such individualized dosing, and perhaps no other area of fueling can drop you out of the competition as quickly as electrolyte depletion or overdose.

This is a critically important area where the correct dosage is a must; you simply musn't consider getting electrolytes out of a premixed drink. The risk of too much fluid and too few electrolytes is high, which is not good for your stomach, muscles, or performance.

You want a product that allows effective electrolyte replenishment under any weather condition, any length of exercise, and any intensity of exercise. Endurolytes, unlike any other pill, tablet, or premixed drink, is that product.

Also, don't make the mistake of thinking that electrolytes = sodium. Sodium alone cannot and will not effectively replenish electrolyte needs and may cause more problems than it resolves. With Endurolytes you're assured of getting all of the right minerals in exactly the right balance.

Ideal for: Running - Cycling - Triathlon - Climbing - Tennis - Swimming - Marathon - all endurance sport


Cramping is your body's final warning signal that you're on empty electrolyte-wise. When you've reached that point, the performance of many bodily systems has been severely compromised for some time.

To keep your muscular, digestive, nervous, and cardiac systems firing on all cylinders, you need a consistent supply of all of the electrolytic minerals, not just sodium and potassium. Plus, in many instances, you require greater volumes of electrolytes than any sports drink or gel can provide.

That is why Endurolytes fulfills such a crucial component of your fueling by supplying your body with a balanced, full-spectrum, rapidly assimilated electrolyte source, allowing you to meet your widely variable electrolyte needs with tremendous precision, hour after hour, no matter what the weather throws at you.


Use prior to, during, and after workouts to satisfy the body's electrolyte requirements with maximum precision.

Use as needed but primarily when:

  • Exercise lasts for more than two hours, regardless of temperature or humidity.
  • Exercise lasts less than two hours and:
  • Temperature is above 80 degrees and/or 70% humidity or
  • Temperature and humidity is ten degrees or more above what you are accustomed to.

Capsule Usage Instructions

Take 1–3 capsules 10–30 minutes before the start of exercise.

Take 1–6 capsules per hour as needed to maintain electrolyte balance.

Take 1–3 capsules immediately following exercise.


  • Many variables - body weight, fitness level, weather conditions, acclimatization level, and physiological predisposition - affect individual electrolyte requirements, so you must do your own trials with Endurolytes dosing, under a variety of conditions, to determine what your individual needs are.
  • Endurolytes DO NOT prevent heat stroke, hyponatremia, or any other dangerous physical condition resulting from overexertion in the heat.
  • The amount of salt (sodium chloride) you habitually consume in your daily diet largely determines the amount of salt, you will need to consume during exercise and races. If you consume a high-salt diet, you will either need to increase your hourly dose of Endurolytes or use Endurolytes Extreme

Full-Spectrum Electrolyte Profile – This complete profile contains the following minerals:

Sodium – Sourced from salt, which is comprised of 40% sodium.

Chloride – Sourced from salt, which is comprised of 60% chloride.

Calcium – Supplied in the “as chelate” form, meaning it’s calcium bonded to one or more amino acids, usually glycinate (glycine) or asparate (aspartic acid).

Magnesium – Included in the “as chelate” form, it is magnesium bonded to one or more amino acids. These forms are used for maximal absorbability.

Potassium – Included in the “as chelate” form, it is potassium bonded to one or more amino acids. These forms are used for maximal absorbability.

Manganese – This trace mineral is necessary for optimal muscle cell enzyme reactions and for the conversion of fatty acids and protein into energy.


Q: Why do I need to use one of the Endurolytes products? Can’t I just take salt tablets?

A: Unfortunately, many athletes focus only on salt (sodium chloride) intake, not understanding that the body's requirements for electrolytic mineral replenishment are complex and require more than just salt. To fully satisfy the body’s needs, a full-spectrum electrolyte replenishment—one that includes salt as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and manganese—is needed Optimal performance requires a consistent, adequate, and balanced supply of all these important nutrients.

When athletes rely solely on salt, or if they consume too much salt at the expense of other electrolytic minerals, they neutralize and shut off the physiological mechanisms that enable the body to recirculate—and thus conserve—its sodium reserves. Once the body detects that it is receiving too much sodium from an outside source (salty foods, salt tablets, or electrolyte products that contain excess sodium), the hormone aldosterone signals the kidneys to stop filtering and recirculating sodium, forcing the body to deplete it at greater rates. Meanwhile, another hormone, vasopressin, begins to predominate, causing undesired, unpleasant, and performance-inhibiting fluid retention.

Remember, optimal electrolyte replenishment during endurance exercise entails gradual, consistent intake incorporating ALL the electrolytes, not just sodium. It also requires consuming them in amounts that support but do not override normal body mechanisms. Fortunately, Hammer Nutrition's Endurolytes, Endurolytes Fizz, Endurolytes Extreme, and Endurolytes Extreme Powder do just that. Our formulations are balanced, full-spectrum electrolyte products that fulfill the body's electrolytic mineral requirements, thus optimizing specific bodily functions, enhancing endurance performance, and helping you avoid unpleasant issues associated with electrolyte imbalance or depletion.


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  • Full-spectrum formula
  • Rapidly assimilated
  • Versatile dosing

Meet your precise electrolyte needs with our original full-spectrum formula. A balanced blend of sodium chloride, potassium, calcium and magnesium ensure proper function of all body systems.

The low sodium chloride content complements a healthy, low-salt diet. Fine-tune your dosage as needed, capsule by capsule, without fear of overconsumption of salt.

Electrolyte replacement during exercise can vary as much as tenfold between two athletes. No other area of endurance nutrition or supplementation calls for such individualized dosing, and perhaps no other area of fueling can drop you out of the competition as quickly as electrolyte depletion or overdose.

This is a critically important area where the correct dosage is a must; you simply musn't consider getting electrolytes out of a premixed drink. The risk of too much fluid and too few electrolytes is high, which is not good for your stomach, muscles, or performance.

You want a product that allows effective electrolyte replenishment under any weather condition, any length of exercise, and any intensity of exercise. Endurolytes, unlike any other pill, tablet, or premixed drink, is that product.

Also, don't make the mistake of thinking that electrolytes = sodium. Sodium alone cannot and will not effectively replenish electrolyte needs and may cause more problems than it resolves. With Endurolytes you're assured of getting all of the right minerals in exactly the right balance.

Ideal for: Running - Cycling - Triathlon - Climbing - Tennis - Swimming - Marathon - all endurance sport


Cramping is your body's final warning signal that you're on empty electrolyte-wise. When you've reached that point, the performance of many bodily systems has been severely compromised for some time.

To keep your muscular, digestive, nervous, and cardiac systems firing on all cylinders, you need a consistent supply of all of the electrolytic minerals, not just sodium and potassium. Plus, in many instances, you require greater volumes of electrolytes than any sports drink or gel can provide.

That is why Endurolytes fulfills such a crucial component of your fueling by supplying your body with a balanced, full-spectrum, rapidly assimilated electrolyte source, allowing you to meet your widely variable electrolyte needs with tremendous precision, hour after hour, no matter what the weather throws at you.


Use prior to, during, and after workouts to satisfy the body's electrolyte requirements with maximum precision.

Use as needed but primarily when:

  • Exercise lasts for more than two hours, regardless of temperature or humidity.
  • Exercise lasts less than two hours and:
  • Temperature is above 80 degrees and/or 70% humidity or
  • Temperature and humidity is ten degrees or more above what you are accustomed to.

Capsule Usage Instructions

Take 1–3 capsules 10–30 minutes before the start of exercise.

Take 1–6 capsules per hour as needed to maintain electrolyte balance.

Take 1–3 capsules immediately following exercise.


  • Many variables - body weight, fitness level, weather conditions, acclimatization level, and physiological predisposition - affect individual electrolyte requirements, so you must do your own trials with Endurolytes dosing, under a variety of conditions, to determine what your individual needs are.
  • Endurolytes DO NOT prevent heat stroke, hyponatremia, or any other dangerous physical condition resulting from overexertion in the heat.
  • The amount of salt (sodium chloride) you habitually consume in your daily diet largely determines the amount of salt, you will need to consume during exercise and races. If you consume a high-salt diet, you will either need to increase your hourly dose of Endurolytes or use Endurolytes Extreme

Full-Spectrum Electrolyte Profile – This complete profile contains the following minerals:

Sodium – Sourced from salt, which is comprised of 40% sodium.

Chloride – Sourced from salt, which is comprised of 60% chloride.

Calcium – Supplied in the “as chelate” form, meaning it’s calcium bonded to one or more amino acids, usually glycinate (glycine) or asparate (aspartic acid).

Magnesium – Included in the “as chelate” form, it is magnesium bonded to one or more amino acids. These forms are used for maximal absorbability.

Potassium – Included in the “as chelate” form, it is potassium bonded to one or more amino acids. These forms are used for maximal absorbability.

Manganese – This trace mineral is necessary for optimal muscle cell enzyme reactions and for the conversion of fatty acids and protein into energy.


Q: Why do I need to use one of the Endurolytes products? Can’t I just take salt tablets?

A: Unfortunately, many athletes focus only on salt (sodium chloride) intake, not understanding that the body's requirements for electrolytic mineral replenishment are complex and require more than just salt. To fully satisfy the body’s needs, a full-spectrum electrolyte replenishment—one that includes salt as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and manganese—is needed Optimal performance requires a consistent, adequate, and balanced supply of all these important nutrients.

When athletes rely solely on salt, or if they consume too much salt at the expense of other electrolytic minerals, they neutralize and shut off the physiological mechanisms that enable the body to recirculate—and thus conserve—its sodium reserves. Once the body detects that it is receiving too much sodium from an outside source (salty foods, salt tablets, or electrolyte products that contain excess sodium), the hormone aldosterone signals the kidneys to stop filtering and recirculating sodium, forcing the body to deplete it at greater rates. Meanwhile, another hormone, vasopressin, begins to predominate, causing undesired, unpleasant, and performance-inhibiting fluid retention.

Remember, optimal electrolyte replenishment during endurance exercise entails gradual, consistent intake incorporating ALL the electrolytes, not just sodium. It also requires consuming them in amounts that support but do not override normal body mechanisms. Fortunately, Hammer Nutrition's Endurolytes, Endurolytes Fizz, Endurolytes Extreme, and Endurolytes Extreme Powder do just that. Our formulations are balanced, full-spectrum electrolyte products that fulfill the body's electrolytic mineral requirements, thus optimizing specific bodily functions, enhancing endurance performance, and helping you avoid unpleasant issues associated with electrolyte imbalance or depletion.